American Society of Human Genetics 2014 Annual Meeting

ASHG Media Advisory

Media Contact:
Nalini Padmanabhan
ASHG Communications Manager

For Immediate Release
Monday, July 28, 2014
12:00 pm U.S. Eastern Time (UTC-05:00)


Saturday to Wednesday, Oct. 18-22, 2014


San Diego Convention Center, 111 W. Harbor Drive, San Diego, CA 92101


Invited and platform (oral) sessions and other presentations of the latest research in human genetics. Examples of ASHG 2014 sessions:

Opening plenary session featuring high-scoring abstracts on rare genetic variants in health and disease, the genetics of various cancers, and treatment for sun sensitivity (Saturday, Oct. 18, 5:30-7:30 pm)

Crowdsourced genetics: Citizen genealogists jointly developing a family tree of millions, gamers teaming up to characterize protein folding, large-group studies combining genetic and clinical data, and crowd funding to tackle prion disease (Sunday, Oct. 19, 10:00 am-12:00 pm)

Novel findings on the genetics of autism, intellectual disability, seizures migraines, and other aspects of neurological and mental health, and how they may be leveraged into treatment (Sunday, Oct. 19, 1:30-3:30 pm)

Big data and innovations in translating large genetic and genomic datasets into new biological insights and more personalized care, including specific areas such as heart disease (Monday, Oct. 20, 10:30 am-12:30 pm)

Emerging ethical, legal, and social issues including privacy of genetic data, informed consent for genetic studies, and actionable ways to communicate results (Monday, Oct. 20, 4:30-6:30 pm)

Joint panel discussion with the European Society of Human Genetics on evolving uncertainties, complexities, and challenges in genomic medicine (Tuesday, Oct. 21, 8:30-10:00 am)

#ASHG14 Tweetup, an informal gathering for drinks, appetizers and conversation among people using social media at the meeting (Saturday, Oct. 18, 7:30-9:30 pm)


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Hotel reservations: If you plan to make hotel reservations, ASHG recommends that you do so now:

About the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG)

Founded in 1948, the American Society of Human Genetics is the primary professional membership organization for human genetics specialists worldwide. Its nearly 8,000 members include researchers, academicians, clinicians, laboratory practice professionals, genetic counselors, nurses, and others with an interest in human genetics. The Society serves scientists, health professionals, and the public by providing forums to: (1) share research results through the ASHG Annual Meeting and in The American Journal of Human Genetics; (2) advance genetic research by advocating for research support; (3) educate current and future genetics professionals, health care providers, advocates, policymakers, educators, students, and the public about all aspects of human genetics; and (4) promote genetic services and support responsible social and scientific policies. For more information, visit:

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